Greatest Money In The Bank Cash-ins Of All Time
Greening dear readers, and oh my gosh, didn’t Money In The Bank come around quickly this year? What started as a way to get upper tier midcarders with nothing better to do on the Wrestlemania billboard has turned into an institution that arguably rivals the Royal Rumble as a starmaking device and profoundly affects WWE booking through the twelve months after the match has taken place. While it certainly didn’t benefit from the inflation that inevitably took place when the pay-per-view started and two briefcases were fought over, the unification of the two world titles means that the match (and pay-per-view) has undergone a renaissance most clearly visible from the way the event saw the first chapter in the Ambrose/Rollins saga last year, and the subsequent way The Architect cashed in at Wrestlemania XXXI. With all that said, I thought it would be fun to rank the CASH INS, as opposed to the ladder matches themselves. My main criteria are as follows: 1) The drama...